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Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about manatee rescue, rehabilitation, release, and post-release monitoring, as well as the work of the Manatee Rescue & Rehabilitation Partnership.

Who should I contact if I see a sick, injured, orphaned, or dead manatee?
Call FWC's Wildlife Alert Toll-Free Number: 1-888-404-FWCC (1-888-404-3922), press "7" to speak with an operator. Cellular phone customers: *FWC or #FWC

Why would a manatee be rescued?

Manatees are rescued for a variety of reasons. Boat strikes, entanglements, red tide, cold stress, and orphan calves are the main reasons they need to be rescued.


How long do manatees stay in rehab?

The average stay for manatees is 6 months, however, it does depend on the case. Some manatees will stay for a few weeks and others will stay for a few years.


How do you choose where to release each manatee?

We try to release manatees close to where they are rescued, as long as it’s safe. Manatees are migratory animals, so they become familiar with certain water ways. We want to release them where they will have the most success.

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©2024 by Manatee Rescue & Rehabilitation Partnership

Activities conducted under USFWS permit #MA770191

Photo Credits - MRP Partners

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